Monday, November 23, 2009

Meet the Animals

The truth is that if Platypuss hadn’t arrived in Big Bed Land, these communications with the outside world would not be taking place. Although the animals who began making their home with me many years ago have developed a sophisticated communications system among themselves, they never seemed to consider a dialogue with the general public as a possibility- or even as a hobby. But it’s turning out that Platypuss has an unusual approach to many things.

First of all, Platypuss is the only animal who arrived in Big Bed Land via the internet. That might be why she has the abilities that she does. (POCKETNOTE from BINK: You will no doubt notice that in Big Bed Land, some animals are called “she” at certain times and “he” at other times. This is probably too complex for anyone to understand fully. Suffice it to say that some animals are usually “she” but sometimes “he,” some are both pretty much equally “she” and “he,” some are always “he,” some are always “she,” and some are either sometimes or always or usually neither. There are many of these interesting difficulties in translating how animals talk—I am making a study of these in my Dictionary- the dictionary is called “Bink’s Dictionary” for this reason.)

The very first animal, Chinabeary, came from the land that was later discovered by the Mouse Fairies (you will be meeting these delightful and mysterious creatures on Platypuss-in-Boots as well.) The next generation came from a town in Bolivia called Tarija: Beatrice, Lucy, Old Bones and Roxy Mouse (who is very good at building things like underwater roller-coasters.) They’re called the Old Ones and were later joined by Sparky and Bear from Ancient Vermont. After that, there are so many animals that it’s better to keep track of them in any way you want—in many different ways rather than in just one way. You get more history that way if you like history, and if you don’t like history, you can ignore it altogether without missing anything.

The other animals came from stores in towns, gas stations, and an airport. Three are orphans. I mention this because the animals, after arriving in Big Bed Land, tend to forget where they came from. They get occasional flashes—Lefty will fall over laughing, suddenly, remembering a night of wild antics in Rite-Aid. Bit by bit, however, it becomes a mystery to them, the way our births become a mystery to us. That’s why I wanted to introduce them before handing the blog over to Platypuss. As scribe, he has the ability to type the words of the animals onto the internet. So from now on you’ll be hearing from Platypuss.

YOUR HOSTESS wants you to know that Platypuss will be posting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday M.T. (Monster Time.) Check back in to hear the adventures of Goat and the plague of Lady Bugs! That’s what Platypuss has scheduled. Hope to see you here!

POCKETNOTE from BINK: It is seriously important that you achieve a clear understanding of the following: in Big Bed Land, all animals (loosely referred to as “stuffed animals” by some) are known as “animals.” Humans, cats, cows, dogs, etc. are all called “monsters.” It is a term of affection.


  1. Hello Eberle and Animals,

    We are SO excited to be recieving these communications from Big Bed Land. Thank you, Platypuss, for bringing the wisdom and wonders of the animals to brighten the days of us somewhat dull monsters.

    With great affection and looking forward to more posts, Iris and Margot

  2. Dearest Eberle and Platypuss,
    What a delightful and magical blog! Having had the privilege of meeting a number of your friends in Big Bed Land, I look forward to learning more about your stories and adventures. Gertrude and the SoCal animals send their love!

  3. Dear Iris, Margot and Audrey!
    thanks so much for visiting and saying such encouraging things. Big Bed Land is honored by your words! And I'm hoping that as time goes by each of your special connections with BBL history will become a part of these stories...and that the larger animal community will be in touch with Platypuss.

  4. Poetikat:
    Wow, six resident monsters is getting up there! We have the J. monster, the E. monster, Pablo the parrot monster, and as of Saturday a chinchilla monster named Rosie! I am looking forward to hearing more about your animals. It is interesting that you have one of the ancient ones too, and Teddy sounds like he might get along with the ancient ones who live here. Thanks for visiting and chatting.

  5. P.S. to Poetikat:
    I think that the ABILITY to not close parentheses is a good sign of openness and a willingness to travel far inside them...!?

  6. Until I was into double figures I used to take about 10 critters like these to bed with me. We used to have great conversations.

  7. Dominic:
    it's true in my experience as well that animals are greatly skilled in the art of conversation! Thanks for stopping by and who knows, maybe you'll remember some of those discussions and send them our way.

  8. Thanks Karen! I hope you continue to enjoy the stories from Big Bed Land.

  9. Charming Eberle . Well this monster thinks so anyway.

  10. Alan:
    thanks very much! Platypuss thinks you must be a monster with excellent taste-- and I can't help but agree.
